
Nova Lands Beginner’s Guide: 6 Tips for Getting Started☄️

Hello again, cozy gamers!

Here is a beginner’s guide for Nova Lands. Although this Cozy Bear has only played 15 hours or so, I believe I’ve progressed enough through the game to give you folks a bit of an idea of what to expect, as well as tips to getting started.

As mentioned in my last post, Nova Lands is a factory building, exploration, and island management game designed around this super adorable pixel space themed universe. In this game, you’re a cute little explorer who has just landed on a remote planet, and it’s your job to bring industry and grow your community amongst the stars!

As I’ve played through the first 15 hours, here are a few things I wish I knew, or thought of, as well as things I’ve missed along the way. I hope these tips will give you a smoother, more enjoyable experience while getting into the game! 🚀

  • Update your equipment early on. Once you’ve discovered the first couple of biomes, you’ll meet the characters who will set up shop and sell you upgrades for your gear and tools. I recommend prioritizing these upgrades because it really does make the first couple of hours in the game a lot easier and less grindy.
  • As you start building production machines and farms, consider moving your farms off the first primary island you start on. That first island really does get crowded very quickly! However, you’ll want to take note of which machines require coal, and make sure those machines, as well as your coal generator are kept together. As you unlock solar panels and the biofuel generator, you can expand to the outer islands.
  • Expanding to the outer islands will require logistics. The transporter arm is very helpful. I recommend crafting it as soon as possible if you plan to move materials from one island to another. As for bots, you will need a bot antenna, collector bots, as well as a logistics bot on your primary island as well as any other island you plan to move materials to and from. If there are hostile animals, you will also need a fighting bot to protect your other bots! They can and do lose health rather quickly, so unlock and craft the bot healing module as soon as you can – otherwise you’ll be running around your islands healing your bots constantly!
  • When unlocking skills, prioritize the skills in the left column. This is actually something I missed! You’ll see that at level 18, 24, 30, and 36, you can unlock a skill that reduces the materials you need for each building. This can surely be really useful as grow your production. As early as level 18, stones and modular bricks will no longer be needed. This means you won’t need to produce modular bricks anymore by level 18!
  • In terms of skills, I also recommend focusing on the skills that will optimize your machines. Production skills go a very long way! I recommend unlocking Hot Bricks (Furnaces Now Work 25% Faster) as soon as possible, as well as Solar Power, Charged Roast, Centrifugal Speed and Extra Fuel early on. Personal skills are also very helpful early on. Fast Learner gives you 15% more XP, while Breath Refill (auto-uses oxygen bottles) and Smart Med (auto-uses med kits) are also very useful.
  • Take your time, go at your own pace, and play the game how you want! If you want to focus on completing the museum, go for it! If you want to max out your equipment and go fight bosses, you can do that too! If you want to focus on growing your industry and becoming the richest alien in all the galaxy, that’s also an option!

Overall, I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do, and you discover a newfound love for the automation genre through this adorable title! 💕

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