
SteamWorld Build Review: A Cute, Charming & Relaxing City BuilderšŸ¤–

I love city builders. I’ve played so many of them. My favorites include Timberborn and The Immortal Mayor, which are both very unique titles in the genre. The thing about city builders is there really are so many of them. Many of which are quite the same. Because of this I’m always on the lookout for something different, and that’s why I was so excited to see SteamWorld Build on Xbox Game Pass!

What makes SteamWorld Build stand out is the story element, and also their different maps. SteamWorld Build is a western-themed city builder with a steampunk twist. In this game you’ll help a colony of robots dig underground for relics of the past. With help from a curious stranger you’ll discover answers to the mysteries of this barren land.


  • It is by far one of the most relaxing city builders I’ve seen, while still being very engaging! I think what really makes SteamWorld Build unique is it is engaging, but it is still relaxing, especially with how forgiving the game really is. Other more intense city builders, such as Banished, require a lot more strategy, with a much less forgiving learning curve – within a matter of minutes everyone in your colony can die from starvation if you don’t design your city perfectly. This won’t happen in SteamWorld Build! Progression is much slower, and you don’t have to worry about the game ending at any moments due to colony-wide starvation.
  • It’s not JUST a city builder. Under your city there’s several levels of mines to explore. This is by far what makes this game so fun. Watch as your robots dig dig dig in search of relics, scraps and gold. While this does require some strategy, it’s very light and straight forward. The game guides you through everything.
  • The story cut scenes are charming, and adds a lot of flavor to the genre. Stylistically, it reminds me a lot of Fallout. I’ve never seen a city builder or colony sim that utilized this kind of storytelling. Although the story is simple, it’s cute and engaging enough to motivate you to keep playing to see what happens next.


  • While the decorations are plenty, they don’t seem to add any kind of function to the game. Because of this, I spent little time looking at that, or caring much about it.
  • The final trek of the story line really falls flat. In the last level, there isn’t much to do but let the game play on max speed and wait for your scientists to produce lots and lots of rocket fuel.
  • The maps are small. I think the purpose of this might be to challenge the player in designing an optimal colony with little space.

Overall, if you enjoy city builders, base building, or colony sims, I highly recommend giving it a try! It’s unique and refreshing spin on the genre.


FREE with Xbox Game Pass

$24.99 on Steam

4 thoughts on “SteamWorld Build Review: A Cute, Charming & Relaxing City BuilderšŸ¤–

  1. Attempting to comment again because I don’t think my first one went through. (Having difficulties with logging in.)

    This sounds like a really fun little game! I may have to check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry you’ve been having issues logging in ;_; I sometimes have that issue tbh. And if you do try it lmk how it is!! Idk if you have Xbox but it’s free with game pass šŸ™‚


      1. I don’t have an Xbox, although my brother who lives relatively close does. Unfortunately, the controllers don’t play well with my wrists. (At this point, the only console controllers that don’t hurt to use are the Gamecube ones. It’s a hassle, but I make do.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ah, that makes sense. Xbox does have a PC game pass as well, and u could play games with mouse and key board if that is easier on your wrists?


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